
Why Fabule?

When strolling along the docks of a marina, one often wonders about the origin of a boat’s name. The name provides hints about the identity of the boat as well as her owners. Our approach started with very practical criteria: We wanted something that was easy to spell over the VHF, understandable in various languages and not already used by many others. In addition, it had to represent our intentions: start something new, fantastic and scary, travel the world and discover it’s natural and cultural beauties.

The name Fabule first came to mind while passing by a bookstore in the old town of Poitiers, France. We had just made the decision to buy a sailboat and the entire project felt so unreal. In many languages, the word “Fable” is associated with stories that happen outside the daily reality (fabuler, fabelhaft, fabula). The more we thought of it, the more it felt right: May our journey take us to live incredible adventures and help us to learn something fabulous along the way!

Our logo

Now that we had a name, we needed a logo to place on each side of the bow. We did not know where to start. Fortunately, our friend Jocelyn Dauphinais, an amazing Graphic Designer, guided us in the process. He asked us about key elements for our logo and received a weird bunch of ideas: we want a wave and bubbles … and stars… and possibly a fantastic beast raising out of the water. He then had the challenge to bring it all together.

We really love the logo he created for us as it captures the essence of our project: We are set to travel planet earth via the water, powered by the wind and guided by the stars.

The boatyard just sent us the first pictures of the logo and name applied to the hull. We are so happy with the result. Isn’t it fabulous?

7 replies on “Why Fabule?”

It’s beautiful Silvia! Enjoy your adventure and keep us posted as often as you can 😡

Wow Silvia. C’est vraiment beau. Vous devez être de plus en plus excités par cette aventure. Bonne continuation et merci de nous informer. Bises à vous deux

On trouve votre logo magnifique et bien visible. On se réjouit de le voir sur l’eau ! Bonne continuation et à bientôt! 😉😘

Trop beau ce logo et wahou quelle merveilleuse aventure vous allez vivre 😉😊bonne continuation Sylvia

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