Beginning of November, Brittany was on high alert because of storm Ciaran. While storms building over the Atlantic are to be expected at this time of the year, this one brought exceptionally strong winds and huge coastal waves. After reaching the northwest Atlantic coast of France, Ciaran continued its course and caused disruption all over Europe. It was followed by Domingos, which continues to uproot trees and cause floodings on its path. Safely tucked in Port Haliguen (Quiberon), we hope for a short break in this succession of storms, so that we can complete the last 200 nautical miles of our journey (as compared to 5000 nautical miles traveled this year).
Quiberon getting ready
In France, costal cities and harbours prepared well for Ciaran. During the storm, people were asked to stay at home. In Quiberon, the ferry service was interrupted briefly in the heart of the storm but started again while the waves were still high at the entrance of Port Maria.

On Fabule, we added additional fenders and doubled the mooring lines.

During the night, the wind was pushing us hard on port side, causing the boat to heel against the pontoon. Objects were sliding on flat surfaces, as if sailing close-hauled. We did not sleep so well because of the whistling and the motion. But fortunately, the socks of the fenders were the only casualties.

Meet up in Vannes
Not only is Vannes a lovely town (well worth a visit), we had additional reasons to go there: visit Bryan and Denise (Willow) and get a replacement for Yan’s computer whose components did not like the vibrations of life on a boat.

We went to Vannes twice, the second time, we hid from the rain while playing billiards.

4 replies on “Waiting for a break from storms (Quiberon, Vannes)”
Contente que vous ayez resisté à ces tempêtes et j’espère que vous réussirez à terminer votre périple…
Bon courage pour la suite et prenez soin de vous.
On pense bien à vous
Les victimes de tous ces coups de vents: deux pare-battage qui se sont déchirés sous la pression. Heureusement, on en met toujours suffisamment. Les systèmes dépressionnaires semblent se calmer pour la semaine prochaine. A suivre…
Vous étiez au bons endroits pour attendre que ça passe.
Vous allez bientôt pouvoir reprendre la route.
Si vous avez l’occasion faites un tour à Hoedic, mon île, 15 ans de vacances et bien sur le Golfe. Et aussi La Trinité. Mais les bateaux de course seront nombreux à être partis pour la Transat. À+
Nous allons devoir revenir dans la région car il y a tellement de beaux endroits que nous aimerions visiter. Mais les conditions ne sont justes pas au rendez-vous cette fois.