Tales of the abandoned daughter


Welcome back friends to this most special section of my dear parents’ blog: the tales of the abandoned but striving daughter. Well, striving is a strong word. Living one day at a time is more like it. And boy has February been a rollercoaster.

              The month of February is usually where the winter semester starts to get interesting. Most classes have now gone over enough information to give out long and grueling assignments, thus when you are not in class for 28 hours a week, you’re either sitting at your desk doing the work or in your bed, wishing for sleep as the thought train never seems to meet Mister Sandman. Or worse, when Chachou decides to get the zoomies just as you are about to fall asleep. You might have deduced the theme of this segment; indeed, we will be talking about sleep. Or, more particularly, lack there of.  

              Ending January, everything seemed to be falling into place, I was on top of my schoolwork in all my classes and, much to our collective pleasure, monsieur Legault lifted some of the restrictions, allowing not one, not two, but three of my friends to come over to have a small gathering. Said small gathering went very well. And after that, one of the hardest months in my life started. As you all know, time is a precious commodity and between school, basic needs and work, all extra-curriculars were sacrificed to complete all the long assignments I seem to collect. By Valentines I was exhausted, and there was still another 2 weeks to go before break. I decided to give my brain a breather thus my future roommate and I staged an anti-valentines sit-in where chocolate fondue and movies made up our night. Yet, come Monday, my stress was back, and worse than ever. And when I say worse, I mean twitching, hives and daily migraines. To get trough this, I buckled down on schoolwork for the next two weeks and told my boss I just couldn’t do every Saturday anymore because I was burning out. Dropping the work shift helped, but it was rough all the same. Lesson learned: 15 credits is just too much for me at this point. I would very much rather enjoy my university years instead of suffering through them, always overwhelmed.

              Break hit and, after catching up on some much-needed sleep and the last scraps of schoolwork, I was invited to a birthday party and a university club chalet. The party was fun, we played games and talked and I got to catch up with some acquaintances I hadn’t seen in a while. But let me tell you, the chalet was an unforgettable experience. Did I sleep no more than 9 hours: yes. Was it worth being kaput the following week: another yes. Did I do crazy stuff I never even dreamed would happen: third yes. Did I have fun: Hellz yes. I met old club members, graduates who are now somewhat functional members of society. The have jobs in their engineering fields (which fascinates me since I can’t even begin imagining working in Comp Sci). I bonded with current club members over beer-pong, stayed in a spa tub for way too long and took some crazy funny pictures on film cameras. In this post you will be able to witness some picture of me taken during the various studios which took place. We remain a photography club.

              Thank you for reading once more, I hope your February was less stressful than mine, but just as fun-filled. I’ll see you guys in April!


5 replies on “February”

Nous sommes très fiers de toi et de la manière dont tu gères cette autonomie nouvellement acquise. Un bel exercice d’équilibriste et le tout avec beaucoup d’humour. Gros bisous!

Hang in there Romaine! I smell summer, terrace life, and less cramming hours just around the corner!

Allo Romaine! Bien hâte de lire la suite en avril. On y arrive bientôt et beaucoup de succès. Nous pensons à toi. Xxx

Au plaisir de te lire en avril, ça passe très vite. La Session est presque terminée. Lâches pas Romaine xxx

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