
Summer music in Stavanger

Stavanger was our entry point to Norway. We stayed several days in this lively town.

Coexistence of modern and old

With around 230 000 habitants, Stavanger is the 3rd city of Norway (after Oslo and Bergen). It expanded a lot over the last 50 years, when oil was discovered in the North Sea. Stavanger became the onshore center for the oil industry.

Fortunately, an important core of 18th and 19th wooden houses was protected as cultural heritage. Therefore, the town center kept a beautiful small-town character.

In the city, the many electric scooters caught our attention. Via an App, you can locate an available scooter and rent it to get to your next destination. These scooters could be seen everywhere.

A little history

During our exploration, we got an introduction to the history of Norway. We learned how Harald Fairhair, united the south-western kings after the battle of Hafrsfjord (in 872, however there is debate about the exact year). He became the first king of Norway. The commemorating monument of 3 swords also symbolises peace, as the swords are planted in solid rock, so that they cannot be removed.

We visited a farm from the Iron Age. There were similarities with the Viking settlements across the Atlantic, at Anse of Meadows in Newfoundland. Vikings were such skilled sailors and did not have the precise charts, reliable weather forecasts or navigation instruments we use nowadays.

Music from everywhere

Fabule was moored right in the center of town, next to the terraces of the restaurants and bars. In the evenings, there was a lot of music coming from these terraces and from private boats. Sometimes creating a big cacophony.

We enjoyed as the days were getting warmer and we could invite our sailing friends for a drink on the cockpit. It was such a nice coincidence to meet again with Chantal and Jean-Yves from Groucho 2 as well as Pam and Tom from Stealin Time. Our paths will hopefully cross again.

Our time in the city is now over and our next destination is the exploration of Lysefjord.

8 replies on “Summer music in Stavanger”

Nous sommes ravis d’être présents sur votre site… Ha ha ha !
De bien belles photos encore. Vous avez dû apprécier le calme du Lysefjord après la cacophonie de Stavanger. Et bravo pour les 800 marches. Pas mieux que nous ! 🙂
Des bises du mouillage de “Lykelsoeyvaagen” pas très loin de Leirvik, près de l’île d’Halsnoy. Très calme, quelques bateaux, du soleil, des barbecues… Tout bien quoi ! A bientôt sur les ondes.
Chantal & Jean-Yves de Groucho

Merci Chantal. Il fait tellement beau dans le Lysefjord que nous allons rester encore un peu et faire une randonnée. Probablement pas l’escalier avec les 4444 marches…

Merci Brigitte. Notre première impression de la Norvège est excellente, d’autant plus que le soleil est enfin de la partie.

Merci de nous faire découvrir ces belles images et l’histoire des contrées que vous visitez.
Belle suite de découvertes et au plaisir de suivre ton blog Silvia.
Bon vent et j’espère beau temps !

Merci pour les encouragements. Nous avons eu une série de beaux jours dans le Lysefjord. On en profite car la pluie est annoncée pour la fin de la semaine.

Merci pour ces images et ces récits, ils nous font découvrir de beaux endroits. Ravie aussi de vous voir heureux.

Merci Laure. Nous serons de retour en Bretagne durant le mois de septembre. On s’en parlera par mp.

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