
Special guests from Canada

What a strange feeling to be back in Tréguier. We have learned so much since we last navigated on the river Jaudy. We travelled 3400 nautical miles, visited beautiful places and met amazing people. We tested the new boat as well as our own strengths and limitations. It is such a rich experience.

1 crew member down with Covid

Our journey started in the context of Covid, in a time when wearing masks and keeping social distance were the standard. As the months passed, the measures were lifted. Life seemed to be back to normal, even if we knew that the virus was still active. In the end, it caught up with us. On arrival in Saint-Quay-Portrieux, Silvia started to feel very tired and unwell. A test confirmed that it was Covid and Silvia had to self-isolate. Surprisingly, Yan did not catch it. Silvia recovered rapidely and fortunately was well enough for the crossing to Tréguier. Once the isolation period was over, we could resume some activities while respecting protective measures.

Welcoming Véronique and Valéry on Fabule

They have heard about this project for many years. They listened to Yan explaining his choice of boat and the equipment he was going to install. They helped us with the preparation of the project and followed our progress in this adventure. It was finally time for our friends Véronique and Valéry to meet Fabule.

What’s next?

Fabule will stay in Tréguier in September. During our trip, we identified a few items that need attending. For instance, the watermaker stopped working again or we keep getting AIS failure alerts. Thankfully, nothing major and the boatyard will take care of this work. Meanwhile, we will spend a week with Véronique and Valéry exploring Brittany and Normandy. Beginning of October, the adventure continues on Fabule. We plan to go south towards Portugal, Spain and then cross Gibraltar to access the Mediterranean next year.

Abbaye de Beauport – Paimpol

5 replies on “Special guests from Canada”

Bonjour à vous! Difficile d’éviter entièrement la covid! Il n’y a que Cathou qui l’ait eu jusqu’a maintenant mais c’est probablement une question de temps! Contente de voir que vos amis vous ont rejoints! J’espère que Romane va bien avec le retour en classe.. bisous!

Coucou Brigitte,après la pause d’été, le retour en classe a été rude pour Romaine. Mais elle se débrouille très bien. De notre côté, nous allons reprendre la navigation la semaine prochaine. Le soleil brille encore même si les températures commencent à refroidir la nuit.

Coucou les navigateurs, navrée pour toi Silvia et j’espère que tu es bien remise. Profitez bien de vos amis et de cette belle région qu’est la Bretagne.
Bon séjour à terre 😉😘

Contente de savoir de tu vas déjà à nouveau bien Silvia!
Que de belles aventures vous avez déjà vécues… et que je suis toujours avec intérêt.
Je vous souhaite une bonne escale française avant de repartir pour le sud!
Plein de bisous.

Merci Pascale, nous allons encore faire quelques étapes en Bretagne avant de traverser le Golfe de Gascogne pour rejoindre l’Espagne.

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