Corsica Malta Passage Notes

Shake, shake, shake (Corsica to Malta)

We picked a window with enough wind to push us all the way from Corsica to Malta (420 nautical miles / 3 days and 3 nights). We knew that it would not be a smooth ride. However, there were no major risks: we were behind the depression and conditions were getting calmer. In addition, there were places to make landfall along the way if necesary.

Day 1 – Thunderstorms along the coast of Sardinia

In constrast with the previous sunny days, we left Corsica under the rain. After downloading the updated weather forecast for a final check, we put on our foul weather gear and cast the lines.

Soon after we left, we saw the first squall that we dodged by staying close to the Islands of Maddalena on the east coast of Sardinia. However, we then needed to move offshore to get away from the thunderstorms forming along the coast.

We were sailing wing on wing (mainsail and genoa). To be prudent for the night, we had 2 reefs in the main and furled the genoa. However, the wind diminished and so did our speed.

Thanks to the radar, we kept an attentive eye on clusters signalling squalls to avoid them. In the distance, we could see the lightnings closer to the coast.

Day 2 – Bumpy ride to Sicily

Because the wind was meant to pick up during the second day, our plan was to stay at the outskirts of the main wind channel. We managed to get a constant down wind of 18-25 kts, making good speed. 

The waves were pushing us from behind or from the side creating an unconfortable bouncing effect. Despite the fact that the sun was shining again, our energy level was low and we laid down between watches.

By the time we reached the south of Sardinia, we started the night with the mainsail only.

At the watch change of 3 am, we needed to reef the main and jybe in the dark with waves. A little later, as the wind picked up to 35 kts and waves increased consistently, Yan experienced surfing at more than 14 knots over ground. Fortunately, Fabule was tracking well and maintained its course.

Day 3 – Go / No Go to Malta

When we approached Sicily the next morning, we moved closer to land in order to get internet and download a new weather forecast. The VHF broadcasted gale wind and thunderstrom warnings and we wanted to doublle check that it was not concerning our intended path.

Another benefit of getting closer to shore was that the waves went down significantly and our mood went up accordingly. We were both hungry and enjoyed our boat made pizza.

Once reassured by the weather forecast, we continued our journey. Further offshore, the bouncing started again and we met many cargo ships.

For that night, we decided to set up the wing on wing with genoa and jib, the wind pushing us exactly from behind.

However, at the 3 am watch change, we had to shake out the reefs and raise the main sail to continue on a broad reach (full main and genoa). Soooo, we were not spared the manoeuvers during the night. Let’s say it is a good exercise.

Day 4 – Arrive in Mgarr

Finally, when approaching Malta the wind died and we started the motor.

The first island we saw was Gozo, the most Northwest island of the maltese archipelago. The landscape of Gozo with the layered cliffs is very impressive.

We arrived at our destination, the port of Mgarr on Gozo around noon.

Mgarr (Gozo) at sunset

Happy Easter

Once onshore, we could see signs of the upcoming celebrations. It was a good idea to provision before the store closed for the holidays.

This is an Easter Bunny (not some kind of sea monster)
Enjoy your Easter week-end!

10 replies on “Shake, shake, shake (Corsica to Malta)”

Bravo pour cette traversée mouvementée, les photos sont spectaculaires et laissent imaginer combien vous avez pu être brassés.
Bonnes Pâques à vous deux.

Merci. Pas de vagues prévues aujourd’hui. Nous partons pour une visite de Valetta sous un soleil radieux.

Liebe Silvie und Yan,
wir wünschen euch schöne Ostertage. Tolle Fotos von der schwierigen Überfahrt! Bleibt gesund und genießt weiter euer Abenteuer.
LG Steffi und Familie

Liebe Steffi, das Touren der Inseln gefällt uns sehr und wir entecken sehr unterschiedliche Facetten von Malta. LG Silvia

Merci. Nous espérons que tout va bien pour vous aussi malgré les pluies verglaçante.

Joyeuses Pâques ! Les photos sont tellement belles et les vagues spectaculaires xxx

Les fêtes de Pâques me rappellent toujours la mémorable chasse aux cocos dans ton jardin! C’est une fête importante ici, avec défilés et feux d’artifices.

Ouf que d’émotions. Les photos sont magnifiques et en plus bonne pizza 🍕 , ça donne la faim après une aventure comme ça. Nous pensons souvent à vous deux. Vous êtes courageux et Joyeuses Pâques xxx

Merci. Nous sommes maintenant à Valetta, la capitale, et suivons les traces de l’ordre des chevaliers de Malte.

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