Andalusia and Murcia (Spain)

On top of the hill (Granada)

During their visit, our friends Véronique and Valéry took us on a ride through beautiful cities and landscapes of Andalusia. We were impressed by the fortified city of the Alhambra, perched on top of a promontory.

Snow caped mountains (Sierra Nevada)

Ranging up to 3 479 meters altitude, the Sierra Nevada can be seen from far away. We had already spotted its white summits while sailing to Estepona. As we approached Granada, we could enjoy this majestic scenery even more.

The red citadel (Alhambra)

Located on top of a hill with steep cliffs, the citadel offered good protection and views over the area. The rulers of the Emirate of Granada built their magnificent palaces inside these fortified walls. The catholic queen and king took the city in 1492 after a long siege, the final act of the Spanish Reconquista.

Palacios Nazaries

The water supply was established by a dam and aqueduct from the River Darro. Thanks to pressure, the water was flowing through channels, several storing pools, waterwheels and other devices composing a compex hydraulic system. Vegetables and medicinal plants were also grown on site to supply the palace, court and military.


Granada has a large historic center with many streets restricted to traffic. Our hotel was conveniently located close to the Alhambra. Neither the hotel lobby nor the car GPS gave us the appropriate instruction: go by foot. In the evening, we loved the intensity of the traditional Flamenco show.


One of the things we enjoyed the most was the variety of viewpoints over the city of Granada.

Moonrise over the Alhambra

8 replies on “On top of the hill (Granada)”

Merci Laure. Cela vaut la peine parfois de prendre un transport terrestre pour faire des visites plus à l’intérieur des terres.

Très beau séjour en votre compagnie, comme toujours ! Beaucoup de rires, de blagues belges, de découvertes et de partage d’intérêts et de passions 🤗 Avec la grisaille ici au Québec, la nostalgie m’habite à la vue de ces belles photos toutes en couleurs!

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