Northern Ireland UK

Moving up the Irish Sea

During our stay in Milford Haven (Wales), we alternated anchorage and marina. There is a big contrast between the industrial part at the beginning of the river and the quiet anchorages after the bridge.

The wind continued to be on the light side when we left Milford Haven to move up the Irish Sea. We initially wanted to go all the way to Belfast (a little less than 200 nautical miles). With southerly winds pushing us from behind, we used the poled spinnaker on the first day and took it down for the night. After progressing slowly for many hours, the wind was completely missing when approaching Ardglass (Northern Ireland). We therefore decided to make a stop. While approaching the coast, the clouds offered splendid views and we saw our first whales (probably minke whales).

Ardglass is a nicely protected harbour. On a sunny day, we liked walking along the remains of the castle, its towers and walls. The Golf Club has established their quarters in this great scenery. Then, with recommendation of the harbour’s staff, we tasted Guinness at the local pub.

Thereafter, the passage to Belfast offered lovely sailing conditions. It is commonly said that as soon as there are 2 boats on the water: It’s a race! Well, what chances do you have when your opponent is a fine Pogo built for speed? Even taking a shortcut between islands did not do the trick.

We will spend a few days in Bangor Marina near Belfast, letting a strong wind blow get passed. It will also allow us to repair the watermaker (indispensable asset for the remote places to come) and visit the capital of Northern Ireland.

7 replies on “Moving up the Irish Sea”

Salut les amis!
Est-ce que je reconnais ta délicieuse tarte aux pommes ma chère!
Contente de vous lire à nouveau! Vous êtes super beaux sur la dernière photo. On peut y lire le bonheur!❤️ Bonne continuation mes très chers!😘😘

Merci Dominique. Tu nous connais bien 🙂 On a tout ce qu’il faut sur le bateau pour se faire des bons tructs à manger. Heureusement, car le prix des restos est exhorbitant.

De très belles images, romantiques et tourmentées à souhait !
Merci pour ce partage.
Profitez bien de ces quelques jours sur sol irlandais.
Bisous tout plein 😘

Nous sommes très fiè de figurer sur votre blog. Jolie photo de notre Grouchou (Pogo 36) sur l’eau. Un grand merci à vous ! Ce fut sympa de se rencontrer sur les pontons. A bientôt… sans doute. Bises
Chantal & Jean-Yves

Merci Chantal. Nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir à discuter avec vous deux et nous admirons beaucoup votre bateau. Bon vent pour votre visite de l’Ecosse et, espérons, à une prochaine! Silvia & Yan

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