Andalusia and Murcia (Spain)

Merry Christmas (Cadiz)

Since we arrived in Cadiz, we enjoyed a mild and sunny climate. It was a special treat to explore the city in t-shirt while the snow was falling over Quebec.

Fortifications to protect the bounty

Located on a peninsula on the Atlantlic coast of Spain just before Gibraltar, Cadiz played an important role in the trade with the Americas. The bay of Cadiz provided a haven for fleets: an easily defendable enclave of calm sea. On three occasions, Columbus’ ships set sail from here on his voyages to the New World. The defensive fortifications are well preserved all around the old city.

Cathedral of the Americas

The cathedral was build during the boom of the trade with the West Indies, as well as Central and South America. In the crypt lie two of Cadiz’s most famous sons: 20th-century composer Manuel de Falla and writer José María Pemán. In addition, the acoustic of the crypt produces an outstanding echo.

Cadiz Cathedral (1700s and combines baroque, rococo and neo-classical styles)

Orange trees

It is easy to get lost in the old town of Cadiz, while following the narrow streets connecting to larger plazas. Orange trees are everywhere. They are a testimony of the region’s moorish past. For almost 800 years, large areas of what is now Spain were part of the muslim world, as the kingdom of Al-Andalus. Though native to Asia, oranges were known to the Moors who introduced them to Spain.

Modern history

The signing of the first Spanish Constitution took place in Cadiz in 1812. It was the first of a series of constitutions reflecting the power struggles in the country until 1978, when democracy was durably restored.

Parks with lush vegetation

The climate is favorable for all kinds of amazing plants, including giant trees allegedly brought back by Columbus from his travels to the New World.

Watching the sunset

The fortifications are present all around the peninsula and offer amazing views during the sunset.

Feliz Navid

Christmas traditions seem well established, just adapted to the climate. Chidren are having fun on the ice ring, even if it is made of plastic and not gliding so well. Instead of drinking mulled wine, how about a sangria?

Merry Christmas to all of you

10 replies on “Merry Christmas (Cadiz)”

Merci Brigitte. Nous vous souhaitons de très belles fêtes dans une ambiance enneigée!

Quel beau ciel bleu qui nous fait tellement envie !
Groucho souhaite un très joyeux noël à Fabule et nous aussi, nous vous souhaitons une très belle fin d’année 2022. Nous espérons croiser votre route en 2023, ce serait extra. Peut-être aux Canaries ? à Madère ? Nous partirons vers ces contrés en juillet, août, septembre pour aller accueillir notre garçon Titouan en Guadeloupe en novembre 2023. Sur Groucho, bien entendu ! Bon périple en méditerrannée. Des bises Chantal & Jean-Yves

Merci Groucho! Joyeux Noël et meilleurs voeux pour la nouvelle année à vous aussi. Quel beau projet vous avez pour l’année prochaine. Après notre périple en Méditerrannée, nous avons deux options: les Canaries en préparation d’une traversée ou remonter vers le Nord pour tenter notre chance en Norvège un seconde fois en 2023. La décision n’est pas prise. Grosses bises à vous deux.

Happy Christmas et Joyeux Noël à vous. Quel plaisir de vous suivre. Profitez bien. Vous avez l’air heureux et ça fait plaisir.

Joyeux Noël à vous mes très chers!
J’ai parlé à Romaine. Je sais qu’elle est à Genève.
On pense à vous!
Bonne continuité dans votre beau projet!😘😘

Merci Dominique et plein de bons voeux pour la nouvelle année pour toute la famille!

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