

During this rainy, cold and windy week, we stayed in Stavanger. It was time to took care of cleaning, provisioning and putting the affairs of daily life in order. In addition, Stavanger has good museums (really liked the Norsk Oljmuseum, Arkeologisk Museum and Norks Hermetikkmuseum) and a movie theather.

Worth mentioning this week are the wonderful chance encounters we made during our stay in Borevida marina.

Roland shared the picktures he had taken of Fabule while we were motoring out of Lysefjord and sailing with Genoa through Hogsfjord. We were glad to get pictures of our boat under way.

We also crossed paths with 2 amazing sailing couples we had met during our travel in the Lysefjord: Mo and Georg (Melfina) as well as Claudia and Martin (Flying Merlin). It was great to get to know them better and discuss sailing experiences. I learned useful information about seasickness.

Apero time on Fabule

The week went on with invitations on each other’s boats. On one occasion, René and Ariane, crew members on Flying Merlin, had a special surprise for us as they opened a bottle of white wine: Domaine des abeilles d’or from Chouilly. Not only was it delicious, it also was produced close to the place where Yan grew up. What are the odds?

Swiss Wine on Swiss Boat Flying Merlin

As we are expecting a parcel to be delivered next week, we will stay in Stavanger’s area and explore some of the multiple islands and fjords.

One reply on “Intermezzo”

Liebe Silvia und Yan
Ich lese mit Interesse eure Reiseberichte und bewundere euch. Bis Stavanger wäre ich vermutlich mitgefahren – aber über das grosse weite Meer? Vermutlich nicht, zuviel Angst vor Seekrankheit, wenn ich schon auf der Queen Mary Tabletten schlucken musste…
Vielleicht treffen wir euch in Island? Wir reisen am 21. Juli ab und am 13. August zurück in die Schweiz. Lass mich wissen, wenn ihr dort irgendwo vorbei kommen solltet. 🙂 Liebe Grüsse, Regula

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