
Impressions of Brittany

Not much sailing is happening while the Boreal team is taking care of Fabule. A lot has been done and it will soon be time to leave. In the meanwhile, we take the opportunity to share impressions of our day-to-day life.

Preparing food on a boat is a little different from home, especially when under way and beating upwind.

This is why there needs to be handels for pots when cooking under way

Even if the space available is reduced, the boat is perfectly equipped. The chef Yan is able to prepare his favorite dishes. Silvia made her special Tresse in the oven.

Eating is even better when in good company. One great thing about staying in Tréguier, birthplace of the Boreal boats, is to meet other owners. Just as Covid restrictions are lifted in France, it is lovely to go out and meet for drinks or dinner. Tips and tricks are shared. Hearing the descriptions of amazing locations makes us even more eager to sail there and see those places for ourselves. We learned so much from Jeanette and Fredrik (Bushpoint), as well as from Jo and Rob (Tintin) and Serge (Planet’Migo) who are all experienced sailors. We experienced firsthand how friendly the sailing community is.

Owners of 3 Boréals and 1 Catamaran

In Brittany, the weather is a question of timing. When it is sunny, we love to go for a bike tour. While hearing about snowstorms in Montreal, we feel lucky to see that spring is well underway here.

We also just go for walks along the river. This fountain, discovered amongst the trees, was a nice reward.

One reply on “Impressions of Brittany”

Coucou vous deux
Du bon temps en Bretagne, vous pourrez repartir en pleine forme pour la suite de vos aventures…
Quand à nous nous visitons la Provence,peu de soleil et beaucoup de vent… Un peu comme la Bretagne 😉 Bises aux navigateurs !

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