Bay of Biscay France Passage Notes

From medieval to cristal (Crossing Biscaye)

For our third crossing of the Bay of Biscaye, we enjoyed the sunshine and sailed downwind. It took us 3 days (67h for 370 nautical miles) from l’Aber Wrac’h (N-W tip of France) to A Coruña (N-W tip of Spain).

Can we leave now?

A few things kept us in the lovely medieval town of Tréguier a little longer than planned. We needed the help of Boreal to take care of a small water ingress that we had along the diesel entry point.

Then Yan suffered from a kidney stone. But finally, after the arrival of our daughter Romaine, a favorable weather window materialised and we took it.

Bye-bye friends

The good thing about Tréguier is that you meet other Boreal owners in the harbour. We were in excellent company and learned a lot. Safe travels to SOA, Leonida, Olicecante, Sealex, Bushpoint, SV Avaley, Whileaway, Pantalla, ZP Rose, Narval, IceNSun and Tikokoye. And thank you to Boreal and TEEM, as well as Tiphenn and Sebastien from the marina.

Our last stop in Brittany was l’Aber Wrach, where we visited Isabelle and Serge, a catamaran owner and experienced sailor who encouraged us from the very beginning. 

Keeping an eye on catamaran Planet Migo from his coffee table

Getting our sea legs back

We appreciated the relatively mild conditions of this crossing to get used to the motion of the sea and the rhythm of the watches.

We met several large dolphin pods and enjoyed the starry skies in the dark night.

Just as we were getting too comfortable, the wind picked up. We took two reefs in the main and replaced the Genoa with the Jib to face a steady 30-35 knots of wind during the last night. Fortunately, for the arrival in A Coruña, we were protected from the wind by the land.

What’s next?

During our stay in A Coruña, we will relax in this historical port city, also called the City of cristal because of the glass covering the buildings on the water front. We will treat ourselves with delicious tapas, catch-up on professionnal work and decide what we are up to next.

4 replies on “From medieval to cristal (Crossing Biscaye)”

Merci Wilfrid. Je vois la possibilité d’un RDV dans les Caraibes en 2026 si les auspices sont favorables…

Bonjour Silvia et Yan. Contente de ssavoir que vous avez pu régler vos problèmes techniques sur Fabule. Et que vous ayez pu naviguer avec Romaine.. Nous vous attendons aux Açores 😂 Pour l’instant, nous sommes à Faïal. C’est très beau et bien paisible. Il n’y a pas trop de monde. Ça va, ça vient entre les bateaux qui arrivent et ceux qui repartent. Le temps est extrêmement changeant ici. Les habitants sont très accueillants. Je vous embrasse et peut être à bientôt. Chantal et Jean Yves

Bonjour Chantal, on attend que le calcul reinal trouve le chemin de la sortie et on arrive. Les îles ont l’air magnifiques!

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