
Dolphins playing with Fabule’s bow

Fabule is safely docked in Guernsey, ready to start our adventure up the West coast of UK before crossing to Norvay, where we intend to spend the summer. All the work is now completed and we enjoy a series of sunny days.

We departed from Tréguier and followed the River Jaudy. Everything went smoothly.

On our way to St Quay Portrieux, as we where sailing in the bay of St Brieuc, we had the visit of dolphins. They played with Fabule’s bow for a good 20 minutes and it was such a delight to watch them.

Yesterday, we sailed to Guernsey. It was not easy as the wind was blowing from East/North-East, exactly the direction of our destination. Not only did we need to sail close hauled, which is not the most comfortable point of sail. The currents also deported us West as we were approaching Guernsey. Thankfully, our engine is fully operational again and helped us for the final stretch. We arrived at sunset.

St Peter Port Marina has a sill which is only open a couple of hours before and after High Water. The next High Water being at midnight, after business hours, we had to spend the night at the visitor’s pontoon outside the marina. We have everything we need in the boat and do not really need the facilities of the marina. However, the outside pontoon is currently not connected to the shore and we do not want to miss the lovely St Peter town with its cobbled streets, shops and restaurants. We will spend a few days in Guernsey before continuing our journey across the channel. Stay tuned.

6 replies on “Dolphins playing with Fabule’s bow”

Trop cool! L’aventure ! Le fond de l’air semble froid ! On continue de vous suivre

Waowwww magique 👌👌👌🙏 merci pour ces partages et bonne suite 🤩🤗😘😘

Nous sommes ravis que tout soit rentré dans l’ordre et que vous ayez pu continuer votre périple.
Et merci de partager ces belles images avec nous ! Ça fait du bien 😉
Nous vous embrassons et nous réjouissons de lire la suite de vos aventures…

Vos images nous font rêver quelle belle accomplissement profitez-en et j’ai hâte d’avoir de vos nouvelles

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