Andalusia and Murcia (Spain)

Daytrip to Sevilla

Located upstream river Guadalquivir (87km north of the Atlantic Ocean), Sevilla is the chief city of Andalusia. The beautiful architechture reflects its rich history as a major city of Muslim Spain and a centre for the exploration of the New World. We took the train from Cadiz to Sevilla as the river is not easy to sail anymore.

Trading with the New World

Christopher Columbus found funding for his travels to the new world in Sevilla. Queen Isabella de Castilla and King Ferdinand wanted to expand Spain’s trading network via a westward route. Sevilla was later given the monopoly of trade between Spain and the new continent which contributed to the city’s prosperity.

Cathedral make over

First, we visited Sevilla’s cathedral which was initially a mosque. After the Reconquista (Christianisation), it was converted and gradually transformed to become one of the largest and most luxurious cathedrals (UNESCO heritage). The mix of Moorish, Gothic and Renaissance styles are testimonies of the city’s history.

Views on top of the Giralda

Of course, we climbed on top of the Giralda, the bell tower and former minaret of the Cathedral. Iconic symbol of Sevilla, it resisted an earthquake and is, by implicit rule, the highest building of the town.

Royal palace Alcazar

Next, we visited the Alcazar palace and gardens, an elegant mix of arabic and christian architectures built to impress.

Exhibiting Plaza de España

In order to revive its economy, Sevilla hosted the 1929 Universal Exposition. The event ended in a flop due to the world economic situation, but the pavilions created are absolutely spectacular. Fortunately, a second exibition was held in 1992.

Strolling through the old town

While going from one place to the other, we enjoyed strolling through the beautiful historic center of Sevilla.

6 replies on “Daytrip to Sevilla”

Quelle ville magnifique, encore une destination qui nous donne envie de découverte !
Belle suite à vous deux, bises

On a bientôt fini la liste des préparatifs et une fenêtre météo se dessine pour la fin de la semaine. Heureusement, car on commence à avoir la bougeotte.

Extraordinaire Séville. Merci pour ce partage de photos… Et vous n’avez même pas de manteaux, un ciel bleu au dessus de vos têtes. Veinards. Quel beau périple. Bravo ! Bises

Le ciel est bleu et les journées s’allongent. En cet hiver andalou, il y a quand même un vent frais qui souffle. La plupart des habitants portent des manteaux et des bottes. Mais dès que le vent s’arrête et le soleil brille, c’est bien agréable. Bises.

Magnifique , tellement de découvertes et surtout de belles photos de vous deux, bien heureux.🤩👋😊

Merci Linda. On profite au maximum de cette aventure hors de la routine. Grosses bises 🙂

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