Azores Passage Notes

Crossing to the Azores

Here we go! The elements are finally gathered for us to embark on the crossing to the Azores: (1) Fabule is ready. (2) The captain and crew are motivated and healthy. Our daughter Romaine joins us for this passage, which will greatly help us for the watches and contribute to the joyful atmosphere. (3) The […]

Galicia (Spain) Passage Notes Portugal

The end of the known land (Finisterre)

This journey took us from one beautiful city, A Coruna, to another, Porto. We rounded the westernmost point of the Spanish mainland, Finisterre, and walked on its dramatic cliffs. Charming A Coruña We loved to be back in A Coruña and to go out for tapas or for a walk. The lighthouse Hercules is a […]

Bay of Biscay France Passage Notes

From medieval to cristal (Crossing Biscaye)

For our third crossing of the Bay of Biscaye, we enjoyed the sunshine and sailed downwind. It took us 3 days (67h for 370 nautical miles) from l’Aber Wrac’h (N-W tip of France) to A Coruña (N-W tip of Spain). Can we leave now? A few things kept us in the lovely medieval town of […]

France Passage Notes

Race against the clock

The forecast finally predicted a slight lull in this succession of gales. It was just long enough for our travel from Lorient to Roscoff. This was our last chance to reach Tréguier in time to haul out Fabule for the winter. Tides and currents For the passage from Lorient to Rosccoff around the Finistère (140nm […]

Bay of Biscay France Galicia (Spain) Passage Notes

Closing the loop with the Bay of Biscay

After one year and 6200 nautical miles (11 500 km), we are back in France. We enjoyed the fabulous journey that took us all the way to Greece and back! The crossing of the Bay of Biscay was the last long passage of this year. From now on, we will make day sails to reach […]

Passage Notes Portugal

Trying to hide from the orcas (Gibraltar to A Coruña)

Throughout the month of September, we progressed from Gibraltar to A Coruña, along the Portuguese and Spanish coasts (covering a total of 650 nautical miles). We were back in the area where Orcas have developed the annoying habit of “playing” with sailboats and damaging their rudders. There is not much sailors can do, except avoid […]

Gibraltar Passage Notes

Une semaine en mer (Cagliari à Gibraltar)

Cela nous a pris une semaine pour naviguer de Cagliari (Sardaigne) vers Gibraltar. Une distance de 750 miles nautiques au centre de la mer Méditerranée. Nous avons eu besoin d’un jour de plus qu’initialement prévu car nous avons remonté le vent en zig-zag le long de la côte espagnole. C’était bien plus intéressant que d’utiliser […]

Malta Passage Notes

Grateful (Malta to Sardinia)

While travelling the Mediterranean, we discover beautiful places with rich history and culture. At the same time, we witness less rosy realities. It makes us so grateful for our lives and every step we complete in this journey. In the upcoming weeks, the postings will become more irregular as we make our way back to […]

Passage Notes

Back in Malta

It took us 3 days and 3 nights to cross the Ionian Sea from Greece (Zakynthos) to Malta (Mgarr). We enjoyed sailing in these particularly blue waters. By Mediterranean standards in the summer, we had good winds, especially at the beginning and in the middle of our trip. I wanted to create a little video […]

Corsica Malta Passage Notes

Shake, shake, shake (Corsica to Malta)

We picked a window with enough wind to push us all the way from Corsica to Malta (420 nautical miles / 3 days and 3 nights). We knew that it would not be a smooth ride. However, there were no major risks: we were behind the depression and conditions were getting calmer. In addition, there […]