France La Manche / English Channel Netherlands North Sea

Playing hide and seek with the big boys (NL to FR)

This week, we covered 300 nautical miles along the coats of the Netherlands, Belgium and France to reach Cherbourg. During this journey, we kept a constant look out for big ships as we crossed the entrances leading to major european ports. Because their speed is 2 to 4 times faster then ours, these cargo carriers […]


Flat boats and wheels (Netherlands)

On our travel south to France, we made two stops in the Netherlands: Den Helder at the north tip of the mainland and Scheweningen near The Hague (Den Haag). It was a complete change of scenery for us. Not only had the lanscape changed to flat lands, sand and polders. The towns had a different […]

Netherlands Norway

Sailing south to the Netherlands

Last stop in Norway (Mandal) For our last sailing along the Norwegian coast from Farsund to Mandal, the weather was overcast. We passed the notorious Lindesnes lighthouse in a foggy atmosphere. Located at the south tip of Norway along a river, Mandal initially developed around salmon fishing and the timber industry. With white-painted wooden houses […]