Bay of Biscay France Galicia (Spain) Passage Notes

Closing the loop with the Bay of Biscay

After one year and 6200 nautical miles (11 500 km), we are back in France. We enjoyed the fabulous journey that took us all the way to Greece and back!

The crossing of the Bay of Biscay was the last long passage of this year. From now on, we will make day sails to reach Tréguier (Brittany) in November.

Our first stop in France was Pornic (Loire-Atlantique). There we met Denise and Bryan (Boreal 44.2, WillowII). The same Bryan who joined us on Fabule for the crossing of Biscay on the way south. The loop is closed.

A Coruña

Our last stop in Spain was A Coruna. We were happy to be back in this vibrant town . We stayed in the Real Nautico Club this time, located right next to the old town and the animated streets with tapa restaurants.

One evening, we went for a drink at the Club house and discovered a place rich with the tradition of sailing.

Bay of Biscay playing nice

The Crossing of the Bay of Biscay consisted in a succession of periods with good wind and according waves, followed by periods with little wind and smooth seas.

We started west along the spanish coast to get a better angle with the wind.

But at first, the wind was a no show.

Fortunately, the wind picked up in the afernoon, coming from the east / northeast. We were close-hauled all the way.

Never mind the number of times, we never get tired of watching the sun sets and sun rises.

Within this high-pressure system, the crossing felt very different than the last time. We enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and were surprised by the busy traffic. The passage lasted 3 days and 3 nights (357 nautical miles). It ended up being fifty-fifty between sailing and motoring.

Meeting Willow at sunrise

At the end of our passage, as we entered the Loire estuary early morning on the last day, we noticed the AIS of Willow leaving la Pointe de L’Herbaudière, where they had spent the night. We met on the way to Pornic, with the sun rising on the horizon. What an incredible meeting point!

Bryan and Denise on Willow II

We are looking forward to discovering the coast of Brittany together as we progress north toward Tréguier.

2 replies on “Closing the loop with the Bay of Biscay”

Magnifique périple et une sacrée accumulation d’expériences.
Bravo et j’espère que les conditions de navigation vous seront favorables jusqu’à Treguier.
Je vous embrasse

Agree – the sunrises and sunsets are sublime- keep up your wonderful photos. Sorry we couldn’t make our trip to Treguier a bit later but see you next time! We thought your sunshade over the doghouse was a great solution. Random question- do you remember if your sofa colour was blanc or sable? We are at the multi- decision stage!

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